Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Is It Finally Over...?

...well, not exactly. The live capture part of the recording process is over, but I'm only half way up the front side of the mountain. Now the real work begins. Overdubs galore! Fixing keybaord tracks. Adding other instrumentation. Me and my other board player are gonna really clean up the keyboard tracks. I've got a reall tight Brazillian perc player who's gonna lay down some latin flava on a couple of tunes. I'm gonna add a little saxophone work. I've got a guitar player who just finished some session work with Fred Hammond who's gonna be doing some guitar tracks for me. Once all of that is done, I'll be driving to my engineer (Cleveland, OH) to do some vocal overdubs and then final mixdown and post production. That's when we'll throw a little gravy on the whole thing and see how it turns out. Then it's off to the mastering house and then to the duplicators. I'm looking forward to the completed product. I just read my wife's last posting and I'll admit that it is somewhat disturbing :-( I'll keep you posted on the barfing situation...or maybe I won't. The engineer I hired (who is an old friend from back in my OH days) was the man. He really came through for me and I know that in the end he is going to be the difference as to the quality of this project. He does a ton of work with Aaron Lindsey of New Breed. Aaron was actually just in this dude's studio doing some overdubs for Karen Clark-Sheard's new recording. So, we got a legit pro engineering this project. Well, I gotta stop this rambling. I'm back in the office today and have a ton of work to do. Post more later....