Tuesday, October 11, 2005


There is so much stuff. Stuff in my closets, stuff in my car. Stuff to do, Stuff to find something to do with. I clean and it just keeps coming. Everytime I cross stuff off my list, more stuff appears. The good news is, I'm thankful, for all the stuff. I'm thankful to have children to drive me nuts asking for stuff, and having to pick up their stuff, and kissing them and stuff. I'm thankful that when I go to my refrigerator, there is stuff in there, and some of the stuff isn't fuzzy and green yet. I'm thankful that even when I have to do laundry, that we all have stuff to wear (we don't have enough barf bags for me to go naked) And most of all, I'm thankful for the 4 men who use all this stuff. Thankful that I have this time, this moment, this life. There is so much stuff in this life, and at the end we will give an account for all the stuff, the stuff we did, the stuff we didn't do, the stuff we said, and the stuff we didn't say. I'm going to try to remember the important stuff, and forget the rest. . . . And to all our friends and family, I'm thankful for you too, as long as you don't send me any more stuff. Love. . . . and stuff.