Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Real Busy

Well, it's been a while since I've (Shad) posted. I've been busier than a four handed thief. I'm workin' my tail off on the post production for our live recording. I'm trying to make a November 28 date for final mixdown. So, me & Nigel (my co-producer & fellow keyboardist extraordinaire :-) are recording like crazy. We had a recording session last Sunday night from 10:30 PM to 3:30 AM and then followed that up with a session at 3 PM on Monday. We've got a 4 hour session this Saturday, and then another Sunday night session, and then another Monday session. Needless to say I'm pretty busy. Pretty tired, and I've been fighting my annual change of season chest cold. I'm determined not to get pneumonia this year. I think I've worked only 3 full days the last week and a half. I'm tryin' to rest up as much as I can. I actually went to bed @ 9:45 last night. I think I was like, 11 the last time I went to bed that early. It was sweet though. Let me tell you. I used to live on 5 hours a night. I swear the closer I get 30 the more sleep I need. Now I realize I'm not as old as my pops (love ya CM) but approaching 30 does feel kind of wierd. I'm sure I'll get over it. All that to say, I'm tryin' to take care of myself. It was this time last year that I spent 4 days in the hospital & I'll be darn tootin' if that's gonna happen again. (Did I just say darn tootin'? Am I hardcore or what!?) Anyway, it's real late and I need to do the last load of dishes b-4 I hit the rack. Britt's been at a friend's house spending time in prayer
since 8:00 (it's midnight right now). She must be gettin' a little Jesus tonight! We're really tryin' to focus on our personal time with the Lord. When you work in ministry full-time it's amazing how easy it is to neglect personal time with the Lord because you find yourself so busy doing "the work" of the ministry. It can seem like at times that we do more for other people or for the church than we do for/with our own kids. It's something we have to consciously be aware of. I refuse to get to the end of this thing and realize that I blew it at home. Even if I become a world class worship leader it will mean nothing if I blew it with my kids. Keep us in your prayers as we are extremely busy over the next 2 months. I look forward to the Thanksgiving break. That's always a nice break before the final push of the holiday season. We have our annual Thanksgiving Gospelfest coming up on the 18th. Ministering that night I have: a couple of gospel soloists, a gospel men's chorus, an a capella gospel quartet (think Take 6), a gospel/jazz pianist, me & Britt doin' our thang, our church's dance team - Steps Of Praise. It's always a great night of praise and worship and celebration. Then the next thing I have is our Christmas Mass Choir will be ministering on Sunday morning December 18. It's been fun workin' with a bigger choir (35. normally about 14) We're doing some fun tunes. Then on Friday night December 23 we're doing something called "Christmas Presence - a night of Christmas worship". Me, Britt, and Sarai (pastor's wife) will be doing some nice arrangements of some carols and some other Christmasy worship tunes. I was gonna hire a string quartet and do some arranging but the fundage won't let me do it at this time. It's all good though. I'll just sequence something. Alright, I mean it this time. I'm hittin' the rack. I'll write more lata. Be blessed ya'll!