Monday, November 21, 2005


Well, I can check one event off of the list. Our Thanksgiving GospelFest has come and gone (11/18). It was interesting my featured guest - a female gospel soloist - had to cancel the morning of the concert. She is recovering from breast cancer and she had chemo the day before and it knocked her out. So we had to scramble to fill her 35 minute slot. Two of my other acts were very late. So when we started p&w at 7:30 I had no featured guest and 2 of my other performers were not yet there. Well, it all came off just fine. We had a great night of ministry and music. It was fun. Since my last posting I've decided that there is no way I'm hitting my 11/28 date for the completion of the live recording overdubs. I'm shootin' to be in the studio for mixdown the second week of January now. It's all going well though. I had in a bass player last night layin' down some trax. He's a bad, bad boy. Just to give you an idea, they don't call him the "groove master" for nothing. Boy can lay it down. It's all going very well. I can't wait to hear it as a finished project. We're looking forward to thanksgiving this week. This is always one of our lighter weeks. It's good and relaxing. Well, that's all I got for now. I'll write more soon...