Friday, December 09, 2005


...just testing something here...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are awesome. Enjoying keeping up with you long distance. And, our grandkids, you know what I'm saying. I'm saying, E-man, you are The Man! Noah, Aiden, you guys are so cute; so much like your g-pa at that age. What can I say? Probably not that. OK, keep the pics and the updates coming.

Brit, your Christmas set looked fantastic. We are in awe!

We had swiss corn this year too. Your mom presented it well, too. I know you meant that you presented it; not represented it. (smile). I mean, what in the world is representing it??? See I don't know all that talk. I'm just a 50 year old guy from GR. Since you guys moved away and Shelby got married, I don't get briefed anymore.

I know this is a comment page and not an e-mail, so I'm gone. The Metzner Five are excellent! (dad)

2:49 AM  

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