Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Thursday, January 25, 2007

Still Here...

...Fo real. We're still alive. Still jammin' here in Boston. Haven't posted in a while but I swear we'll catch everything up completely real soon. We got 'bout 100 pics to throw onto flicka. It's just that we're not online at home and I can't hook up any external devices (this includes digital cameras) to my office computer. I'm workin' on gettin' a new 17" MacBook Pro. That should make my bloggin much more enjoyable :-) I'm also gonna be pickin' up some digital recording gear as well. I gotta bunch of projects to be working on. Well, I gotta jet for now. I promise we'll catch everyting up real soon mon. Irie...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We're Still Here....

Hey everyone. I know we haven't posted in a minute but we've been a little busy. We've just about got every last box unpacked. We've painted our living room. Gettin' ready to paint our bedroom. We bought a new dining room table, a new sofa, a whole bunch of new decor stuff. We'll post some pictures soon. We finally got our entire bed set up in our room. We were waitin' on our new matress set to come. Britt bought a new comforter and such. It looks pretty far as comforters go. Someone gave us a queen size bed so we got that set up in the basement as our guest room. Things are goin' well at the church. Busy, but a good kind of busy. A busy that actually means something. Actually accomplishes something. The kids are doing good in school. Aidan's doing surprising well. We weren't sure how he was going to respond to being away from Britt all day for the first time but he embraced it. Even though he's growin' up he still likes his juice and cuddle in the morning. Even if it's just for a few, it sets him straight. Well, I gotta jet for now. I promise to post more soon with a crop of new photos. Peace out...

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Wow! There have been a few major life changes since we last posted.... The Metzner 5 now reside in beautiful Boston. We have been transposed and are now a part of the ministry team here at Eagle Heights Church in Revere, MA. Shadric is the Minister of Music and I am a humble secretary, but let me tell you, it beats stocking shelves at Walgreen's every day and twice on Sunday. We have moved into a much larger home, and the boyz are students at Eagle Heights Academy and are doing great. Mr Aidan has begun his preschool career with a bang, as he is very popular with his teachers and classmates. I think Noah might be giving Ms. Ranlett a run for her money. She's been teaching here for 30 years, but nothing, not even 3 decades can prepare you for Noah Metzner. Ethan loves his teachers and his classmates, he has lots of friends. We are loving are new home and our new church family. We are very blessed. I'm sure we will post some interesting anecdotes and pictures here later, but for now....this will have to do.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ethan's B-Day

Just a quickie here. We were tryin' to think of something special to do for Ethan's Birthday last week. We decided to take him to the waterpark. There is a killer waterpark out on Long Island (the 5th best in the country). We were there all day and the everyone had a blast. Ethan & Noah blew me away with some of the waterslides they went down. Every slide I went down, Ethan went down. It was fun. We posted a ton of pictures of the day on Flickr. Check 'em out to get a taste of the day. I think Ethan had a very awesome 8th B-day. Well, it's late. I'm gonna hit the rack....

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Another one come and gone...

Just a quickie here. We're just coming off of our annual VBS. This year's theme was Fiesta. As it has been the last 3 years, me and Britt design and construct the set for the sanctuary. We went for an "adobe village" look. The backdrop is actually something that we painted for last year's VBS. It came in handy again though. All of the kids had a blast at VBS this year. It was a fun theme. We normally do all of the music as well, but we handed that off this year. Usually the week is dumb busy, but handing that off made it quite a peaceful week for us. This was nice cuz Britt still had to work a couple of nights this week. Ethans B-day is comin' up on Tuesday. We can hardly believe that he's turnin' 8. It seems like just yesterday that he was layin' in the NICU with no but cheeks. He's growin' up quick. He's a cool dude. Sharp as a knife. Well, I gotta jet for now. Will write more lata...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Ain't no way I'm turnin' 30 tomorrow. It feels wierd. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's the first time I've changed decades in, well, 10 years. It just feels strange. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get over it. It appears from my wife's last posting that she is rather fond of me. That's cool. The movie was pretty sweet. I already can't wait for the last part of the trilogy. There's a bunch of "trilogy completing" movies coming out in the next year or so: "The Bourne Ultimatum", "Spiderman III", "Ocean's Thirteen". I can't wait to see 'em all. I also can't wait for the continuation of the new Batman series of movies with Christian Bale as Batman. Batman Begins was stinkin' awesome! Can't wait to see what they do with the other two. Alright, I gotta jet. I worked out tonight (upper body) and I hit it hard. I can barely type right now. Peace out...


The boyz were spending the day at a friends house, so my fabulous husband (translation: shadric, otherwise known as the rib-cooking-keyboard-playing-basketball-court-dominating-tombstone-quoting-genious that i married) came home and woke me from my beauty sleep (I am working full-time at Walgreen's on the overnight shift, which by the way, i really like) However, I do tend to sleep a bit during the day. He asked me if I wanted to go see Pirates of the Caribbean. I managed to come out of my coma and get ready. We had a fabulous time, it's a really cool movie. Anyway, that was all I had to say. The summer is sliding by, and in case my husband doesn't tell you, tomorrow is his 30th birthday, so call and tease him about it.