Thursday, January 25, 2007

Still Here...

...Fo real. We're still alive. Still jammin' here in Boston. Haven't posted in a while but I swear we'll catch everything up completely real soon. We got 'bout 100 pics to throw onto flicka. It's just that we're not online at home and I can't hook up any external devices (this includes digital cameras) to my office computer. I'm workin' on gettin' a new 17" MacBook Pro. That should make my bloggin much more enjoyable :-) I'm also gonna be pickin' up some digital recording gear as well. I gotta bunch of projects to be working on. Well, I gotta jet for now. I promise we'll catch everyting up real soon mon. Irie...


Blogger Shelby said...

Post more pics...I miss your mugs. :)

3:55 PM  
Blogger Shelby said...

I was serious....more pics. :)

5:08 PM  

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