Wednesday, June 28, 2006

9 Wonderful Years!

Well, today Brittany and I celebrated our 9th anniversary together. I took a vacation day (it was a service day) and we went out for the evening. I took Britt to her favorite restaurant, Outback, and then we went and saw the new Superman movie. It rocked. Seriously. Great flick. We wanted to see it at the IMAX theater, but they didn't have a showtime that worked well for our schedule. Britt had to be at work by 11:00 tonight. We wanted to go have dinner in Little Italy and then bump around Chinatown for a couple of hours, but it's just too stinkin' humid! 85 degrees with 89% humitidy. No thanks. We still had fun though...Yes, you read that right. Britt did have to be at work tonight by 11:00. She's workin' overnights at Walgreens a few nights a week this summer. Anyway, I gotta jet. I have a ton of laundry to fold. Write more lata. Go and see Superman!


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