Monday, January 30, 2006

Nothin' New

Well, it's been a few days since I've posted so I thought I'd drop something real quick. There's not a whole lot new going on. I sent off the final check to my engineer last week so now I'm just waiting for him to send me the final disk (24-bit) for mastering. I need to talk to him tonight. We might be making some minor mix changes. Not sure yet what we're gonna do. Let's see. What else? I also started lifting again. Gettin' my burn on!!! My triceps are killing me right now. Fortunately I have legs and abs tonight. I'm also doing cardio everyday. Trying to kick start that fat burning machine. Hmm..... I had to dish out $320.00 for a break and tie-rod job today. That was fun. I also have another $300.00 coming out of our account tomorrow to start paying off another old debt. Yippee. Last year (from May to November) we paid off about $3,000.00 of old debt. We were gonna be getting a new mini-van in the next couple of months but I think we're gonna wait. Me thinks we're gonna be patient and coninue in our debt retirement plan. We retired about 50% of old debt last year and we're looking to knock out the last half by the end of this year. Then we can start rebuilding our credit. We should be able to buy a home by the time we're 87. Maybe we can purchase the nursing home we'll be shacked up at. Honestly, with our line of work I'll be surprised if we ever own a home. Hey, I just opened my insurance policy for the next 6 months. It went down another $80.00. Now I'm only paying $1,006.60 for 6 months of full coverage on one ride. My first 6 month policy when I moved here was about $1,800.00. Needless to say I'm pretty stoked. I think that most of my tickets have dropped off my record. I don't even think I've been pulled over in about 5 years. Yeah for me. Yeah for safe driving. Anyway. Actually, I did get a stupid seatbelt ticket last fall but that was a stupid trap. I had just driven away from a friend's body shop and hadn't put on my belt yet. The cops had a check point at the end of the road. I had driven about 500 feet. The cops in the Bronx don't play. I swear they'd give a fire engine a ticket for double parking at a fire they were putting out. Ya know, I'm rambling now. So I'm out. Peace...


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