Thursday, January 19, 2006

My Wife Finally Has Me Back

You may wonder what the heck that picture is all about. Well, we finally finished all of the post production work on our live recording. I thought a picture would be, well, stupid. OK, stupid I admit it, but we needed a photo of something! I spent all last week at the studio in OH with my engineer finishing all of the editing, mixing, automation, etc... It was quite an experience. We had 12-15 hour sessions every day for 5 days but it's finally done. And I must say it doesn't sound too shabby. Actually it sounds pretty good. Overall, I'm happy with it. The next step is sending it off to the mastering house for the mastering then off to the duplicators. Then into the hands of all of our adoring fans. Anyway. This project has basically consumed every moment of my life the last 4 weeks. That's why we haven't posted since December. Now that it's over, my wife has me back :-) Anyway, it's late so I'm gonna hit the rack. Write more real soon....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shad, Brit, boyz...Shelby's not the only one that checks in on a daily basis. Mom and I are very proud of you guys. We anxiously await the day we can hear this wonderful CD. I'll give y'all a call this week. Congratulations. Get back in touch with each other.

Keep pressing on ...

ps) pics, pics, pics (I'm picking up the Shelby chant).

We love you, Dad and Mom

10:32 PM  

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