Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Well, the day has finally come. I have Britt right now at UPS shipping out the CD for duplication. They should be in my hand in no more than 2 weeks. It was a ton work just to assembly the package that I needed to send to Disc Makers. I had to make sure that all of the files were in the correct format, that I included files for all of the linked images, that I included the font files for the fonts that I used, all of the appropriate paperwork, blah, blah, blah. I was up until 3:15 last night (technically this morning) organizing all of those files. But it's done. At the top of the posting I inserted the cover art. The rest of the artwork obviously follows this theme. Different urban images. We're happy with what we came up with. Anyway, that's about all I got. I'll let ya know when the CDs come in.


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