Sunday, March 12, 2006

Marching On....

It's March, and not too much is going on around here. We're in a holding pattern, waiting to finish the cd, waiting for spring, waiting for sanity.... We have been really busy, but not with any major projects, more with the life we are trying our best to manage. We have a new niece....Perin True, and from all accounts she is lovely in every way. Soooo, congrats to the new mom and dad! Shel & Ian, you will one day sleep again, in the meantime, snorting crack helps. (we are sooo kidding) Mom and Dad Metzner are itinerating, preparing to leave for the field.... Go Dad! Go Mom! Ethan is growing like a weed, he will soon be taller than me (his mom, although, as short as I am, that's not exactly a huge leap), and doing really well in school, I am amazed by him. He is a really neat kid, and I am enjoying getting to know him as he becomes more independent. Noah is well, Noah, and he is still a bundle of energy. He is very smart, and is doing well in school, with the notable exception of being still and quiet. He has lots of friends, and is quite popular with the ladies. He may be extra-busy, but he is very tender and loving, when he's not putting the smack-down on his brothers.... As for Aidan, he is smart and very verbal. He is a tiny dynamo, and I dare anyone to cross him. The other day, we were at the school, (shad and I were changing places, I was teaching, he was working, we were both going a little crazy), one of the teachers gave him a cookie, just a regular oreo, and he smiles his charming smile and tells her "Thank you soooo much, it's delicious" that's my boy. Shad and I played restaurant with the boys last night, we cooked a lovely pork loin together, and served them on nice dishes by candlelight, we had a really cool family dinner...I actually made dessert, which i never do. (I know, apocalypse, cuz you all know I hate to bake) We had a really cool family evening. I'm thankful this month, thankful for my boyz, for the unique and special men that the Lord is shaping them to be, and for the privilege of knowing them before they achieve greatness, for the privilege of putting their little feet into little socks, for warm, wet, kisses after their tubby, for the crazy, incoherent things they tell me when they first wake up, for the completely silly things they play and make up, for the hilarious songs they make up and sing to me, for all the amazing excuses they come up with for why they are in their underwear, wrestling, or not picking up their toys. I wouldn't miss this for the world.....