Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Not The Way We Planned It, But....

The above is a picture of our new vehicle. To make a long story short, our Buick basically went kapoot. It was fixable but it probably would have taken about a G. We decided to upgrade. So I flew up to Buffalo yesterday morning and drove back our new van. There is a guy in the district who gives great deals to pastors. I basically bought this for less than wholesale. So back to the title. This wasn't exactly the way we had planned on getting into a new vehicle but praise the Lord we had the resources to do it. It's about 4 months sooner than we had planned so we had to do a little rearranging but we swung it. We've got district council coming up here the second week of May. Me and Britt are planning on heading up a few days early and doin' the Niagara Falls thing. Just taking some time relax. We're tryin' to set something up to hook up with Phil (Aud). He's working at a church in Toronto now. Actually, it's about 45 minutes out of Toronto. About a 1/2 hour from the falls, so it wouldn't be a long drive to go see him. We'll see how it works out. I was thinking that this might be the year the District asks us to do some praise & worship at Council but we must be a little too progressive. A little too urban for their flava :-) That's ayeet though. We'll just keep doin' what we do and walk thru the doors that God opens. The finishing of the CD has slowed a little bit. It's about dollars and cents now. The last phase (royalties and duplication) is the most costly. Hopefully I'll be able to ship it out for duplication in the next 2-3 weeks. We'll see. That's pretty much all that's going on right now. I'm adding a bunch of new pictures to our Flickr. Make sure you check 'em out. That's all for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great looking van. Congrats you guys. How's it going? How are the boyz doing? We are staying busy, on the raod again! 1,000 itineration miles last week going to sectional councils. Holland, Kalamazoo, West Branch, Mount Morris, and Fa-Ho-Lo. Next week, Gaylord and Mount Pleasant. The following week, Metro Detroit. Great pics. WE ALWAYS ENJOY LOOKING THEM OVER AND OVER. Shelby is at the brink of delivery. Our guess: today or tomorrow. Look forward to your CD. Stay in touch. Sa'light!

8:47 AM  

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