Sunday, April 02, 2006

Boring Sunday Night Here

Shad here...well, it's Sunday night here 10:35 (yes dad, that's the same time it is by you:-) and I'm bored. Britt is out kickin' it with one her friends - Keesha - and I'm at home. The boys are in the rack and I'm sittin' here with the TV off. I'm actually kind of bored. I know I should be enjoying the time to myself, but I'm not a big time to myself type of person. I figured I'd give a quick update. I haven't posted in a while so here I go. (for those who aren't immediate family) As Britt mentioned in her last posting, my sister Shelby had her baby. Since Britt's posting we were able to check out some phots of Perin and I must say she is quite the cutie. She totally takes after Uncle Shad. It's in the genes ya know? From what I understand, Shelby & Ian (her hubbie - that's still wierd to say :-) weren't getting a lot of sleep the first couple of weeks but I think they're kind of settling into a routine. Welcome to parenthood Shel & Ian ! :-) I just received the final final master from engineer on Friday for the live CD. It should be going out for duplication by the middle of this week and then it's about 10 days turnaround. It's almost here! We're pretty excited. There's not a whole lot else going one right now. If you're friends &/or family please just lift us up in prayer as we are really seeking God's direction for our lives right now. I'll leave it at that. Please pray God's leading for us. That's about all I got for tonight.....