Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Call Me Tyrone

Well, we celebrated Independence Day with two American staples: gluttony and blowing stuff up. Actually, someone else did the blowing up but we definitely got our grub on. I BBQ'd some ribs that were so stinkin' fall of the bone good, my wife is thinkin' of chanin' my name to Tyrone. They wuz gooooood. We also bought a couple of pounds of king crab legs so the boys could have their first taste of that sweet, succulent meat. Crabs rock. Aidan was watchin the deadliest catch with Britt a few weeks back and all he would keep on sayin' was, "I want to eat the crabs. I want to eat the crabs." Unfortunatley, he wasn't really feelin' the crab. Ethan and Noah loved it though. Then we went up to the church and went out on the roof to watch the fireworks. Our church is about a stone's throw (literally) from the Hudson River and that's where they shoot 'em off from. So, the boyz had a great view. Anyhoo, I'm gonna jet. I'm dyin' fo a shower. I still smell like smoke. Happy 4th!!!


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