Sunday, July 23, 2006

Another one come and gone...

Just a quickie here. We're just coming off of our annual VBS. This year's theme was Fiesta. As it has been the last 3 years, me and Britt design and construct the set for the sanctuary. We went for an "adobe village" look. The backdrop is actually something that we painted for last year's VBS. It came in handy again though. All of the kids had a blast at VBS this year. It was a fun theme. We normally do all of the music as well, but we handed that off this year. Usually the week is dumb busy, but handing that off made it quite a peaceful week for us. This was nice cuz Britt still had to work a couple of nights this week. Ethans B-day is comin' up on Tuesday. We can hardly believe that he's turnin' 8. It seems like just yesterday that he was layin' in the NICU with no but cheeks. He's growin' up quick. He's a cool dude. Sharp as a knife. Well, I gotta jet for now. Will write more lata...


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