Monday, July 10, 2006

Ain't no way I'm turnin' 30 tomorrow. It feels wierd. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's the first time I've changed decades in, well, 10 years. It just feels strange. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get over it. It appears from my wife's last posting that she is rather fond of me. That's cool. The movie was pretty sweet. I already can't wait for the last part of the trilogy. There's a bunch of "trilogy completing" movies coming out in the next year or so: "The Bourne Ultimatum", "Spiderman III", "Ocean's Thirteen". I can't wait to see 'em all. I also can't wait for the continuation of the new Batman series of movies with Christian Bale as Batman. Batman Begins was stinkin' awesome! Can't wait to see what they do with the other two. Alright, I gotta jet. I worked out tonight (upper body) and I hit it hard. I can barely type right now. Peace out...


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