Thursday, September 21, 2006


Wow! There have been a few major life changes since we last posted.... The Metzner 5 now reside in beautiful Boston. We have been transposed and are now a part of the ministry team here at Eagle Heights Church in Revere, MA. Shadric is the Minister of Music and I am a humble secretary, but let me tell you, it beats stocking shelves at Walgreen's every day and twice on Sunday. We have moved into a much larger home, and the boyz are students at Eagle Heights Academy and are doing great. Mr Aidan has begun his preschool career with a bang, as he is very popular with his teachers and classmates. I think Noah might be giving Ms. Ranlett a run for her money. She's been teaching here for 30 years, but nothing, not even 3 decades can prepare you for Noah Metzner. Ethan loves his teachers and his classmates, he has lots of friends. We are loving are new home and our new church family. We are very blessed. I'm sure we will post some interesting anecdotes and pictures here later, but for now....this will have to do.