Sunday, July 23, 2006

Another one come and gone...

Just a quickie here. We're just coming off of our annual VBS. This year's theme was Fiesta. As it has been the last 3 years, me and Britt design and construct the set for the sanctuary. We went for an "adobe village" look. The backdrop is actually something that we painted for last year's VBS. It came in handy again though. All of the kids had a blast at VBS this year. It was a fun theme. We normally do all of the music as well, but we handed that off this year. Usually the week is dumb busy, but handing that off made it quite a peaceful week for us. This was nice cuz Britt still had to work a couple of nights this week. Ethans B-day is comin' up on Tuesday. We can hardly believe that he's turnin' 8. It seems like just yesterday that he was layin' in the NICU with no but cheeks. He's growin' up quick. He's a cool dude. Sharp as a knife. Well, I gotta jet for now. Will write more lata...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Ain't no way I'm turnin' 30 tomorrow. It feels wierd. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's the first time I've changed decades in, well, 10 years. It just feels strange. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get over it. It appears from my wife's last posting that she is rather fond of me. That's cool. The movie was pretty sweet. I already can't wait for the last part of the trilogy. There's a bunch of "trilogy completing" movies coming out in the next year or so: "The Bourne Ultimatum", "Spiderman III", "Ocean's Thirteen". I can't wait to see 'em all. I also can't wait for the continuation of the new Batman series of movies with Christian Bale as Batman. Batman Begins was stinkin' awesome! Can't wait to see what they do with the other two. Alright, I gotta jet. I worked out tonight (upper body) and I hit it hard. I can barely type right now. Peace out...


The boyz were spending the day at a friends house, so my fabulous husband (translation: shadric, otherwise known as the rib-cooking-keyboard-playing-basketball-court-dominating-tombstone-quoting-genious that i married) came home and woke me from my beauty sleep (I am working full-time at Walgreen's on the overnight shift, which by the way, i really like) However, I do tend to sleep a bit during the day. He asked me if I wanted to go see Pirates of the Caribbean. I managed to come out of my coma and get ready. We had a fabulous time, it's a really cool movie. Anyway, that was all I had to say. The summer is sliding by, and in case my husband doesn't tell you, tomorrow is his 30th birthday, so call and tease him about it.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Call Me Tyrone

Well, we celebrated Independence Day with two American staples: gluttony and blowing stuff up. Actually, someone else did the blowing up but we definitely got our grub on. I BBQ'd some ribs that were so stinkin' fall of the bone good, my wife is thinkin' of chanin' my name to Tyrone. They wuz gooooood. We also bought a couple of pounds of king crab legs so the boys could have their first taste of that sweet, succulent meat. Crabs rock. Aidan was watchin the deadliest catch with Britt a few weeks back and all he would keep on sayin' was, "I want to eat the crabs. I want to eat the crabs." Unfortunatley, he wasn't really feelin' the crab. Ethan and Noah loved it though. Then we went up to the church and went out on the roof to watch the fireworks. Our church is about a stone's throw (literally) from the Hudson River and that's where they shoot 'em off from. So, the boyz had a great view. Anyhoo, I'm gonna jet. I'm dyin' fo a shower. I still smell like smoke. Happy 4th!!!