Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We're Still Here....

Hey everyone. I know we haven't posted in a minute but we've been a little busy. We've just about got every last box unpacked. We've painted our living room. Gettin' ready to paint our bedroom. We bought a new dining room table, a new sofa, a whole bunch of new decor stuff. We'll post some pictures soon. We finally got our entire bed set up in our room. We were waitin' on our new matress set to come. Britt bought a new comforter and such. It looks pretty hot...as far as comforters go. Someone gave us a queen size bed so we got that set up in the basement as our guest room. Things are goin' well at the church. Busy, but a good kind of busy. A busy that actually means something. Actually accomplishes something. The kids are doing good in school. Aidan's doing surprising well. We weren't sure how he was going to respond to being away from Britt all day for the first time but he embraced it. Even though he's growin' up he still likes his juice and cuddle in the morning. Even if it's just for a few, it sets him straight. Well, I gotta jet for now. I promise to post more soon with a crop of new photos. Peace out...