Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Check 2 mo off the list!

Well, the 2 academy Christmas programs are over (yes that was Britt taking a huge sigh of relief). They both went really well. The picture on this posting is the set from the pre-k 3 thru 1st grade program. This was the program that Britt was completely in charge of. I sequenced all of the music for this program. For the first time the kids got to do their thang with some urban music. The kids were feelin' it. It was a good show. All Britt had to do for the other program (2nd thru 8th) was direct the music. A lot less stressful. She still had to do a ton of work for it, but it wasn't her head on the block if the thing bombed. It's late so I'm gonne jet. Check out our new photos. Peace out...

Friday, December 09, 2005


...just testing something here...

Let It Snow

Well, we had our first real dose of the white stuff last night. We probably got about 6 or 7 inches. I had to get up this morning and spend a couple of hours shovelling. Yeah. It's alright though. We were at the ER last night til about 12:30. Feef had his first ear infection(s) of the year. He was pretty miserable but he's got the meds so he's doing much better now. Let's see...what else...Britt has her Christmas programs coming up next week, so she's about to go insane. She is definitely ready for a break. Well, I gotta jet. This posting was really just an excuse to see if I can get it to allow comments. So, hopefully it works. I'll give ya juicier stuff in the next posting...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Christmas Time

Well, the turkey is done with. No more leftover pumpkin pie. And the last of the swiss corn has been consumed (I made 2 big lasagna pans of it mom and yes I did represent. The stuff was off the hook!) Now it's officially the Christmas season. We finished the final tree decorations last night (pictures to follow soon) and the boys had a wonderful time. Well, Aidan has a new addiction - Chirstmas Milk (egg nog to you and me). I thought I would introduce the boyz to it last night. We told them that it was "Christmas Milk" so they wouldn't realize that they were in essence drinking raw egg. Well, Aidan woke up this morning and the first thing he asked for was "Christmas Milk". I think we've created a monster. We're working on our shopping. We're actually way ahead this year for the boys. Normally we do all of our Christmas shopping in OH the week of Christmas but with Christmas falling on a Sunday this year, we won't be in OH until late Sunday night, and we'll be having Christmas morning with the boys on tuesday, and the annual Christmas Eve festivities on Monday night. I have just a couple of more events to finish out the year with. We have the Academy Christmas programs on the 13th & 14th. My Christmas mass choir will be singing on Sunday morning the 18th. I have a night of Christmas worship on Friday the 23rd, and then Christmas morning itself. All of this while finishing post production on our live recording (which is going very well I must say:-) Well, I gotta jet. I'm in the office & I gotsta get some work done. Peace out.