Wednesday, June 28, 2006

9 Wonderful Years!

Well, today Brittany and I celebrated our 9th anniversary together. I took a vacation day (it was a service day) and we went out for the evening. I took Britt to her favorite restaurant, Outback, and then we went and saw the new Superman movie. It rocked. Seriously. Great flick. We wanted to see it at the IMAX theater, but they didn't have a showtime that worked well for our schedule. Britt had to be at work by 11:00 tonight. We wanted to go have dinner in Little Italy and then bump around Chinatown for a couple of hours, but it's just too stinkin' humid! 85 degrees with 89% humitidy. No thanks. We still had fun though...Yes, you read that right. Britt did have to be at work tonight by 11:00. She's workin' overnights at Walgreens a few nights a week this summer. Anyway, I gotta jet. I have a ton of laundry to fold. Write more lata. Go and see Superman!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Burning Church and Summer Fun

Here's the story...Apparently someone stole a car and parked it right next to our church building (right next to the church doors) and lit the stupid thing on fire. Pastor had to come out in the middle of the night to let the Firemen into the church. It's a very secluded spot, very isolated. A great place to hide a burning car. That's life in the city baby. Last summer, someone was shot on the sidewalk in front of our church building and this year it was a burning car. It's all good....

The other pics are actually from today. Britt bought the buys a new slip & slide and the boys spent about 2 hours slippin' & slidin' on it this afternoon. They were havin' a blast! Well, I'm gonna jet for now. Will right more lata. It's late. Peace...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

We're Slackers!

Now, I know we haven't posted in a hot minute but we've been a little busy. Britt had her surgery on the 19th of May and that has made the last few weeks pretty crazy. She's recovering nicely though. She had her staples out last week and she is feeling much better. Well, since our last posting the CD has been released. For those of you who have a copy, I trust you're diggin' it. It was definitely a ton of stinkin' work but totally worthy it in the end. I'm pretty pleased with the final product. I'm in the process of trying to schedule our release concert but I am running into road blocks at every turn. It's frustrating and somewhat annoying but I'll pray through. I think there's a possibility that we might get to do a mini concert at the United Nations. One of our church board members works for the UN and he's gonna try and bring us in to do a show (they have like a Christian bible study that meets during the week). The boyz are in their last week of school and they are ready for summer. I'm not too sure if Britt is though :-[ Aidan is finally potty trained. He's the man. He still wears a pull up at night but he's rockin' the draws during the day. Not a whole lot of other stuff going on. We'll try to post more frequently. Peace out...