Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Burning Church and Summer Fun

Here's the story...Apparently someone stole a car and parked it right next to our church building (right next to the church doors) and lit the stupid thing on fire. Pastor had to come out in the middle of the night to let the Firemen into the church. It's a very secluded spot, very isolated. A great place to hide a burning car. That's life in the city baby. Last summer, someone was shot on the sidewalk in front of our church building and this year it was a burning car. It's all good....

The other pics are actually from today. Britt bought the buys a new slip & slide and the boys spent about 2 hours slippin' & slidin' on it this afternoon. They were havin' a blast! Well, I'm gonna jet for now. Will right more lata. It's late. Peace...


Blogger Ian said...

Great pics guys! As I was looking through them, it occurred to me that Aidan could pass for a young Martin Smith (Delirious front man). Hmmm... I'd ask if he's musical, but I'm fairly certain I know the answer. Potty trained - check! Learn to play guitar and apply hair product - check!

12:18 AM  

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